Saturday, March 5, 2011

Soy News You Can Use

Soy protein isolate can be found in protein bars, meal replacement shakes, bottled fruit drinks, soups and sauces, meat analogs, baked goods, breakfast cereals and some dietary supplements.

Bodybuilders beware: because many weight gainer powders, bars and shakes contain this dangerous ingredient and it can cause troubling side effects such as diminished libido and erectile dysfunction — and this is just the start.

Even if you are not a vegetarian and do not use soymilk or tofu, it is important to become a label reader. There are so many different names for soy additives; you could be bringing home a genetically modified soy-based product without even realizing it. There are many “aliases” that soy might be hiding under in ingredient lists — words like “boullion,” “natural flavor” and “textured plant protein.”

Here are a few other names soy tends to hide under:

· Mono-diglyceride

· Soya, Soja or Yuba

· TSF (textured soy flour) or TSP (textured soy protein)

· TVP (textured vegetable protein)

· Lecithin

· MSG (monosodium glutamate)

Not all textured vegetable protein is made from soy, but a great deal of it is. Lecithin can be made from soy, eggs, sunflower or corn.

One of the worst problems with soy comes from the fact that 90 to 95 percent of soybeans grown in the US are genetically modified (GM), and these are used to create soy protein isolate.

Genetically modified soybeans are designed to be “Roundup ready.” That’s right, they are chemically engineered to withstand heavy doses of herbicides without killing the plant! What does this mean for your health and the health of your unborn or yet-to-be-conceived children?

The active ingredient in Roundup herbicide is called glyphosate, which is responsible for the disruption of the delicate hormonal balance of the female reproductive cycle.

“It’s an endocrine buster,” says UK pathologist Stanley Ewen, “that interferes with aromatase, which produces estrogen.”

What’s more, glyphosate is toxic to the placenta, which is responsible for delivering vital nutrients from mother to child, and eliminating waste products. Once the placenta has been damaged or destroyed, the result can be miscarriage. In those children born to mothers who have been exposed to even a small amount of glyphosate, serious birth defects can result.

In an excellent summary of glyphosate-related effects by the Pesticide Action Network, Dr. Andreas Carrasco of the Embryology Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine in Buenos Aires, simply and expertly explains the serious risks for unborn children exposed to Roundup-laden GMO soy products.

The long-term effects of the human consumption of genetically modified soy and soy-based products are staggering.

In April 2010, researchers at Russia’s Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the National Association for Gene Security found that after feeding hamsters GM soy for two years over three generations, by the third generation, most lost the ability to have babies! Now, let’s take a close look at some of the health risks to YOU as a result of eating genetically modified soy.

Do you want to start a family? Have you had any trouble conceiving, perhaps due to irregular menstrual cycles or endometriosis? Have you ever experienced a miscarriage?

If so, what you’re about to read will shock you.

A Brazilian study published in 2009 looked at the impact of soy on the reproductive system of female rats. Female rats fed GM soy for 15 months showed significant changes in their uterus and reproductive cycles compared to rats fed no soy.

Extrapolating the findings to people, women who eat genetically modified soy products, such as the soy protein isolate in processed vegetarian fare, may be more likely to experience severe hormonal disruptions, including an overabundance of estrogen, a hair-growth stimulating hormone, and damage to the pituitary gland.

Women who consume genetically modified soy products are at increased risk for developing retrograde menstruation (the menstrual cycle backs up into the body instead of outward), causing endometriosis, which can lead to infertility.

The consumption of soy protein isolate and other soy-based products can also lead to abnormally heavy or longer menstrual periods. This is called menorrhagia and, ironically, some commercials have been popping up with a new pill that supposedly offers the “cure” for this “mystery syndrome.”

When in reality the real cure for some women is as simple as removing soy and soy-based products from the diet. The negative effects of soy are not restricted to women, however.

If men enjoy protein bars or use a weight gainer shake, be sure to read the label to see if the products you use contain any soy ingredients. Did you know that celibate monks living in monasteries and leading a vegetarian lifestyle find soy foods quite helpful for dampening libido?

Another drawback: Soy has also been linked to erectile dysfunction. The two natural drugs found in soy, genistein and daidzein, mimic estrogen so well that they have been known to cause a variety of alarming side effects in men:

· Breast enlargement (gynecomastia)

· Decreased facial and body hair growth

· Decreased libido

· Mood swings and frequent crying jags

· Erectile dysfunction

· Lowered sperm count

For example, one recent study documented a case of gynecomastia in a 60-year-old man as a result of his soy consumption. Another study showed that juvenile rats exposed to daidzein showed impaired erectile function at maturity.

If you are a male and you’ve experienced one or any of these symptoms, soy could be the culprit. Remove it from your diet, but be sure to consult your doctor because this message is not designed to treat or cure disease.

You might want to know: Do I need hormone therapy?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Why Susan Sommers Is Wrong: Analyzing Hormone Testing & Delivery Methods!

Hormones taken orally in pill form enter the bloodstream from the small intestine, and go directly to the liver. Because the liver is not accustomed to receiving large amounts of hormones, it begins to break them down, leaving only a small percentage of the ingested hormone available to cells. If you swallow steroid hormones you will seriously distort their natural metabolism. The ovaries were not located in your GI tract for a reason. Over 30 different metabolites are created in your liver when you swallow the progesterone and any of these can then have unwanted side effects. The ovaries are located in the pelvic area have direct access to your blood stream through a pelvic plexus of veins, which delivers their hormone secretions to your heart which in turn pumps them, unchanged to hormone receptor sites of sensitive cells throughout your entire body.

By comparison to the pill form, transdermally delivered hormones like progesterone cream are up to 80% more bioavailable than equivalent doses administered orally in pill, because of the skin’s direct access to the blood. However the big drawback to transdermally delivered hormones are, they are not all used immediately and they tend to collect and store in the muscle and fat tissue and then irregularly release. Applying as a cream to your skin within a few weeks to a few months you will saturate the fat tissue with the hormones and they will actually stop working or, can even make your symptoms worse; as time goes on and the cream accumulates it contributes to disruptions in your adrenal hormones such as DHEA, cortisol, and testosterone. I have learned that although progesterone is an enormously useful tool, it needs to be used very cautiously, and not in cream form; implantable hormone pellets will deliver similar results as the cream transdermal applications.

Progesterone is a cyclical hormone and the body really needs to see a change in the concentration to affect a proper physiological response, not the continuous over supply of cream application; which is one of the reasons that micronized lozenges, dosage specific to each woman (through 11-panel saliva testing) is critical.

Compounded hormone lozenges from Mexican yams and soybeans are molecularly similar to those produced by the human body and absorb sublingually. This is a direct pathway to the blood, bi-passing the GI track and never collecting in the body fat or muscle; therefore smaller dosages can be utilized during the times of the moth where certain hormones are deficient. Utilizing the 11-saliva panels taken over the course of 30-days, the ups and downs of estrogen and progesterone can be pinpointed and more or lesser strength lozenges can be taken to parallel these deficiencies.

Many medical doctors question the effectiveness of sublingual steroid hormones such as testosterone and progesterone. They say that these hormones are not appreciably absorbed into the bloodstream from the sublingual lozenge form and therefore, they do not have a significant physiological effect. This argument is based on the traditional medical training that when these hormones are used sublingually, they do not significantly raise the "blood" levels of the hormones. This is not only what doctors have been taught, but also what has been reinforced by the pharmaceutical industry, which sells high-impact, unnatural (not bio-identical) steroid hormones.

From most of the medical community's perspective, the pharmaceutical perspective is the end of the argument. That is an understandable way to deal with the fact that neither doctors nor anyone else can keep up with the speed of biochemical and medical discoveries; much less breakthroughs in the wellness and prevention industry where doctors would not typically be advised. It's really up to doctors who are willing to expand their knowledge in this area or the patient in most cases can become knowledgeable about his or her problem and attempt to educate themselves and afterwards, offer information to the doctor.

In contrast to conventional medicine, in the wellness industry, a small group of scientists and alternative Natrue-O-Paths as well as some medical doctors have been successfully improving the health of women and men by balancing hormones by using bioidentical hormone therapy. With the use of saliva 30-day panel testing that has the patient collect 11 different samplings in home at prescribed times and methods. This method is far superior to serum blood testing because of a woman's cycle. Men do not cycle but most free testosterone and estrogen is taken up by the red blood cells.

The dosage of these hormones is adjusted by analyzing the results of saliva tests and referring to a very thorough questionnaire utilizing a method of compounding called micronization of the correct dosages of hormones.

Although steroid hormones are present in the body in extremely low concentrations (parts per trillion in the blood and saliva), they exert potent physiological effects on sensitive tissues. The steroid hormones act on target cells to regulate gene expression and consequent protein biosynthesis. All steroid hormones are lipophilic (fat-soluble) and most are carried in the aqueous bloodstream bound to carrier proteins, which are water-soluble. However, a small amount of steroid hormones are being carried in the aqueous part of the bloodstream not bound to anything. These "free" hormones are available to enter cells.

The "free" steroid hormones can diffuse through the target cell membrane, which is made of fat and readily allows the passage to the interior of the cell. The hormone is attracted to high-affinity steroid receptor proteins. The hormone-receptor complex is then translocated into the nucleus of the cell, which contains the genetic information. A particular genetic process is initiated in which specific proteins are synthesized. Those proteins go on to exert physiological effects that are then attributed to the steroid hormone.

When considering the inferriority of blood testing to saliva, it is important to understand the general composition and characteristics of blood. Blood is a fluid consisting of red and white cells suspended in an aqueous plasma. The cells make up about 45 percent of the mixture (called the "hematocrit"), and the watery plasma is about 55 percent of the mixture. The majority of cells in the blood are red blood cells (erythrocytes). The most important constituent of the red blood cell is hemoglobin whose main function is to transport oxygen from the lungs to the somatic (body) cells.

The other cells in blood are white blood cells (leukocytes) that include platelets. The white blood cells are nearly twice the size of red blood cells and are concerned with immunity. For example, the white cells can engulf bacteria and foreign particles in a process called "phagocytosis."

The platelets function to control bleeding after an injury. The platelets liberate serotonin when the blood vessels are damaged. This causes small blood vessels (capillaries) to strongly contract, which reduces bleeding.

The blood also contains fibrinogen and other factors that cause blood to clot. The fibrinogen is a soluble protein precursor of fibrin, which is an insoluble protein that forms the main part of a blood clot.

Another interesting aspect of blood is how much glucose (sugar) it contains. A normal blood glucose reading of 90 mg/dl translates to about 5 grams in the whole bloodstream throughout the body. When a soft drink or morning cereal containing 30-40 grams of sugar comes down the hatch, it overwhelms the balance and stability of the glucose being supplied to all the cells of the body. The pancreas quickly secretes insulin to drive down the glucose, and a wild, unbalanced cycling occurs. This hyper-dose of sugar affects smaller bodies (young children) in ways that create Attention- Deficit-Hyperactivity-Disorder (ADHD). It is commonly treated in traditional medicine, not by removing the source of sugar nutritional changes, but by drugging the child with amphetamines (Ritalin). We have an instrument that measures and analyzes the body's food triggers utilizing biofeedback. This report will identify foods that will cause your insulin to rise and will advise what to eat and to stay away from.

Now that we have reviewed some about the nature of steroid hormones and blood, what is it like for those hormones to travel in the bloodstream?

Let us use testosterone as an example that is representative of all steroid hormones. Over 90% of the testosterone in the bloodstream is carried by water-soluble proteins (sex hormone binding globulin [SHBG] and albumin). The testosterone bound to those proteins is not readily bioavailable to target tissues because it is on its way to the liver for excretion in bile, which enters the intestines when fat is eaten. Along the intestines, about 90% of the bile and testosterone is reabsorbed and recycled to the liver for new processing - thus conserving these valuable biochemicals.

Part of the testosterone-SHBG and testosterone- albumin complexes that went to the liver is converted into water-soluble chemicals that are excreted in the urine. Sometimes, a urine specimen is used to estimate the testosterone in the blood.
Less than 10% of total testosterone is bioavailable. More than 80% of this bioavailable (called "free") testosterone travels in the blood attracted to (adsorbed on) fatty red blood cell membranes. The other 20% of bioavailable testosterone (2% of total testosterone) is unbound traveling in the plasma, and is readily available to stimulate target tissues.

When blood is drawn from a vein (low pressure going to the heart), it contains plasma and red and white blood cells. To analyze the blood, the plasma is separated from the blood cells by centrifugation. Since the plasma still contains clotting factors, an anticoagulant is added. This, then, is the plasma used for blood analysis. If the blood is allowed to coagulate, the cell-depleted fluid phase, devoid of fibrinogen, is called "serum." The serum may also be used for analysis. In either case, the blood being analyzed does not contain the red blood cells that held the free hormones. What is being analyzed are hormones that are attached to binding proteins from the liver and is not bioavailable.

When hormones are tested via saliva and/or applied sublingually, they are part of the equation as being present in the body and when applied in sublingual lozenge are absorbed into the bloodstream as "free" hormones. They have not been packaged with a binding protein by the liver because the liver did not have access to the hormones. Most of the "free" hormones are taken up by the red blood cell membranes, which are not analyzed by a common blood test.

Conclusion: Common blood tests that use plasma or serum are not accurate for assessing bioavailable steroid hormone concentrations because neither the plasma nor the serum contains the red blood cells, which hold the bioavailable hormones.

Some background on saliva. There are three salivary glands in the mouth that produce about two pints of saliva per day. The saliva is about 99.5% water and 0.5% solute. Saliva is used for chewing, swallowing and the initiation of digestion by the enzyme amylase, which begins the breakdown of carbohydrates. In addition, for the most part saliva is protective against pathogens. It is antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral to a certain degree. That's probably why rubbing saliva on an injury feels so good. Saliva also contains immunoglobulin-A, which provides protection for the eyes, nose, throat, intestines and lungs from infectious diseases.

The secretion of saliva is entirely under the control of the nervous system. Sympathetic nervous system stimulation dominates during stress, resulting in dryness of the mouth. During dehydration, the salivary glands stop secreting to conserve water and resulting in dryness of the mouth and this contributes to the sensation of thirst.

The salivary glands have an extremely high blood flow, which is about ten times that of an equal mass of contracting skeletal muscle. Researchers have found that the "free" hormones from the red blood cells and plasma readily filter through the saliva glands into saliva where they can be measured accurately (in parts per trillion).

Conclusion: Saliva reflects the bioavailable level of hormones present in the bloodstream, therefore saliva testing is a far more accurate and relevant test than blood when measuring bioavailable steroid hormones.

There is strong opinion that if bioidentical hormone therapy and saliva testing were available 50 years ago that today there would be very little endometrial, uterine or breast cancer. These things are available today and yet many doctors are unaware of them and still others are unwilling to alter their thinking from medical training they received and therefore are very slow to adapt to new technologies.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

OK, now you can drink some alcohol,

Booze is no party, even moderate drinking is suspect; says Dr. Fuhrman head of a science and research lab. He insists moderate drinking—commonly defined as one drink, which is a maximum of one drink per day for women and two drinks for men— may cause health problems, such extra body fat, cancer and atrial fibrillation.

Consuming more than this is associated with increased fat around the waist, as well as other areas and other significant health problems, some mistakenly associated with PMS symptoms, even if the woman is still ovulating. Even a moderate amount of alcohol may also increase the risk of breast cancer in susceptible women and prostate cancer in men. Another problem with alcohol, especially more than one drink a day, is it can create mild withdrawal sensations the next day.

These sensations are commonly mistaken for PMS symptoms, hot flash, dizziness, anxiety or hunger, which leads people to eat more than is necessary; or drink more. Because of this, moderate drinkers are usually overweight and suffer more from PMS symptoms, even when the woman is still ovulating. Furthermore, recent studies have also shown that even moderate alcohol consumption is linked to a significantly increased incidence of atrial fibrillation, a condition that can lead to stroke and certainly numbness or tingling of the skin. Now there is good news for those who simply must have their daily drink: Science suggests that nutrients in properly cleansed raw asparagus from your blender, may protect the liver against alcohol toxins associated with hangovers as well as some of the others.


* Like almost all vegetables, asparagus is low in calories and high in fiber. Just 12 properly cleaned raw stalks in a blender, supply your entire recommended daily dose of vitamin K, a nutrient that's essential for maintaining healthy bones as well as proper blood clotting and circulation.

* Asparagus is also one of the few stellar natural sources of glutathione, an antioxidant that defends your cells' DNA against damage, detoxifies pollutants, crushes carcinogens, and helps to extinguish inflammation.

* The folate in asparagus bolsters the production of red blood cells, the workforce that carries oxygen to working muscles; for those who work out, a net gain in toned muscle. Folate also helps head off heart disease, as well as providing raw materials for the production of DNA.

* Asparagine, an amino acid in asparagus, prevents fluid retention, ensuring you look as buff as possible while also helping to lower your risk of high blood pressure.

* Those long green spears are packed with copper, a mineral critical for making connective tissue such as collagen and elastin for the skin to reverse age wrinkling. This precious metal also helps to keep your skin and muscles taut, and bones strong. This is the principal behind our Rejuvenis Copper Serum skincare product.

Asparagus is one of the most nutritionally well-balanced vegetables, supplying significant nutrients and fiber for a healthy diet.

Why eating asparagus causes one's urine to have a strong, unique odor:

Sulfur-containing amino acids in asparagus break down during digestion, creating an odor when urine is excreted. "It's the same sulfur group that makes skunks smell. However, not everyone has the urine odor or perhaps not everyone can smell it. Scientists think that asparagus is digested the same by everyone, but that only half can smell the odor. The unusual urine smell is nothing to worry about because the syndrome does not have any pathological significance.

Asparagus is low in calories and carbohydrates, and compared to other vegetables, it is relatively rich in protein. One cup of asparagus supplies only 24 calories, almost half of which are derived from protein. Asparagus is an excellent source of potassium, vitamin K, folic acid (263 micrograms per cup), vitamins C and A, riboflavin, thiamine, and vitamin B6. It has an excellent ratio of potassium (288 milligrams per cup) to sodium (19.8 milligrams per up). Asparagus is also a very good source of dietary fiber, niacin, phosphorus, protein, and iron.

Historically, asparagus has been used as a diuretic and in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism. The amino acid asparagine may be responsible for the diuretic effect of asparagus. When this amino acid is excreted in the urine that gives off that strong, characteristic odor I just spoke of.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Marie regrew her hip

Marie's Story

Meet the woman who made medical history in 1972 by re-growing her right hip joint. Listen to her fascinating story on Wednesday, May 26 at 7:PM EST on Aging Younger Radio. Also, this same woman researched and used Tibetan medicine to help cure herself of colon cancer. You won't want to miss this exciting story so tune in next week to learn what we have constantly presented to our listeners and that is the message of: natural is best for
the body.

She is a High energy senior businesswoman who enjoys working with people and she delights herself in developing relationships as well as businesses through good public relations. This wonderful lady's interests are communicating, writing, organizing, horticulture, office plantscaping, aviation, outdoor activities, event organizing, and corresponding with about 80 personal international pen-friends. She has organized many events, beginning with an Air Fair for her Civil Air Patrol Squadron at age 16, she organized an air show jointly with (the Blue Angels) and her group of Experimental Aircraft Owners participated. She enjoys visiting pen-friends and her celebrity pen-friends share their talents at her international networking pot-lucks and fantasy auctions. So without further introduction
let me present J. MARIE BJORKLUND

The show will air live May 26, 2010 at 7 PM Eastern. Simply log onto

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Intimacy And Hormones

Listen to internet radio with Agingyounger on Blog Talk Radio
BlogTalk Radio, Aging Younger Show!

Intimacy And Hormones go hand in hand.
Correcting the myths and misconceptions of (BHRT) Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy!

I am David Tippie and because I am the person who will ultimately begin and complete the follow up- for all my BHRT hormone clients and have many years of study about hormone therapy, I saw the need to comment on the subject.

First there are many conditions that are created due to hormonal imbalances. The talking point that gets the most attention however, is sexual performance and hormones. Much to the chagrin for the wellness industry, when medical pharmaceutical sickness industry physicians jump on the hormone band wagon, it is either with synthetic forms of hormone replacement or, to blindly prescribe natural BHRT without proper education in this industry and the loser is always going to be the patient.

The endocrine system is a delicate system and must be accurately tested and any dispensing of bioidentical hormones must be specifically tailored for each person, because everyone is different, there is no one size fit all program, cream or pill.

An imbalance in Estrogen and Testosterone is a major window into how the sexual desire for any person will manifest or, become less desirable.

In addressing the ineptness of the use of hormone cream perception; First I want you to know that years earlier, in the beginning I was lead in the wrong direction several different times, just the same as the general public may be at this time, due to celebrities putting their two cents worth in and it took me years of study with the right professionals, who are directly in this industry, to help me through these misconceptions that was always represented by some doctor or PhD in the wrong industry, that being pharmaceutically biased; so the public is not alone in their mislead opinions.

I am going to give you the facts about bioidentical hormone replacement therapy as well as the cream applications of bioidentical hormones, so you will not be confined to the remarks of some sickness industry doctor, or even Suzanne Somers’ who are grossly misinformed. These folks represent the thinking of the same misinformed doctors who prescribed the one size fit all- chemicalized -man made synthetic Progestin that causes breast and uterine cancer, but blindly prescribed it to patients. Notice the spelling P-r-o-g-e-s-t-i-n. This is because the drug companies wanted you to think it was the same as the real natural progesterone, and since you may be involved with the hormone creams , I feel everyone should be informed of these negative facts.

To describe why so many medical sickness industry doctors seem to be jumping on the bioidentical hormone replacement therapy band-wagon and I might add, making a complete shambles of it, is; doctors in the medical pharmaceutical sickness industry were caught with their hands a little dirty, prescribing the patentable man made synthetic hormone replacement therapy to their patients “progestin” and “premarin”, made from pregnant mares urine and they would like to escape from it. You may recall the national findings of the study from the Women’s Health Initiative, reported on July 9, 2002.

These findings found; that pharmaceutical “synthetic” man made hormones were causing breast and uterine cancer, stroke, venous thrombosis, colon cancer and brittle bones that lead to more fractures. Overnight 13 million women were taken off the synthetic hormones and the doctors were instructed by their pharmaceutical reps to give these women who suffer from all the symptoms of PMS—a prescription of SSRI’s (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) in their place. The drug company’s flawed reasoning given to the doctors who would be prescribing it was, there was no real chemical imbalance (which is an absolute lie), they said that a women's problems are mental and not chemical, further they advised, their problems are all in the woman’s brain, the doctors were told.

The SSRI’s only blew out the information in the brain by destroying dendrite cells for a short while, until those receptors were destroyed, then a different SSRI was needed to be prescribed, to start the process over in another area of the brain and so on; bringing on dementia, not solving any problems, and certainly not addressing the chemical imbalance.

The doctors who were prescribing these synthetic hormone drugs quickly bailed out of this dilemma after the report was released, to keep from looking even worse than they already did and began to prescribe the SSRI’s (as instructed by the Pharma rep) after the report was released and some began trying to adapt to our wellness industry bioidentical hormone replacement therapy program and added it to their practice. When doctors were doing this, it was with the general mindset that their patients will always believe the doctor is right and would never doubt his or her experience, or, in-experience, as is in this case.

Doctors began dispensing one size fit all topical BHRT hormone cream programs after taking a blood test (that is completely inferior to saliva) to discover the hormone levels. First: Blood sampling is completely wrong for hormone testing, because it is only capturing a mille-second in time when that sample was taken. Plus blood is centrifuged and the red and white blood cells are removed. Red blood cells are the binding protein that transports the hormones to their respective sites and thus were not even considered in the inferior blood testing method. A woman cycles from her first period until she dies, no matter what a doctor has removed from her, she still cycles and to properly test her, she must collect 11-saliva samples over the course of a 37-day period to accurately see her shortfalls and overproduction of any hormone of the endocrine system, so that a program can be tailored specifically for her, since all women and men, are different.

Hormone Creams are applied topically and are wrong applications, because they tend to collect in the muscle and fat over time, which causes buildup and they release irregularly and often producing other symptoms due to the irregular release of an unknown amount of that particular hormone. This is similar to choosing the shotgun as the weapon of choice to put out the sun, there is absolutely no chance for accuracy and the confused process creates a host of new problems with collateral damage, so to speak.

The doctor’s thinking is, that BHRT is a one size fit all program, like they were told that the “synthetic” Hormone Replacement Therapy was supposed to be, as instructed by their pharmaceutical representative, so they went blindly charging ahead without proper training; and believe me training in this industry is vital.

Let’s make it clear; there is no one-size fit all anything that is a lie started by the drug companies. The so called one-size fit all BHRT creams prescribed by physicians have an in-accurate release which adds to the mistake, of a single blood sample to determine the hormonal inadequacies in the beginning. The doctor can’t possibly know what the woman needs and he or she is using guess work for something that is very critical and specific to each woman, again, because they are all different.

Women, as well as men, although men don’t cycle, who have all of those awful mood swings, depression, hypertension, anxiety, anger, hot flashes, sexual disfunctions and night sweats, plus many more symptoms are candidates for the Anti-Aging Clinic Assoc., Inc’s correct BHRT program, which is proper saliva testing 11-panels taken over the course of 37-days for women, 4-saliva panels taken over the course of 1-day for men, as well as analyzing the 16-page questionnaire we provide them at the beginning and then specifically tailored micronized BHRT lozenges are taken in a specifically tailored daily pattern for each woman and man. You can find more information at this website:
By: David Tippie-Nature-O-Path 954-742-4430